Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Love is a Battlefield

Hi girls! So I'm busy writing my fourth book, Radiance. Which, by the way, is the reason my blog posts have been missing lately. But I just had to stop working on the book to face an important problem plaguing a generation of women: it seems that many young women today are not aware of the awesomeness of 80s music.

My assistant Lauren was editing a chapter of mine and said, "Who is Pat Benetar?"  Her words stopped me dead in my tracks.
How could she not know Pat Benetar? So, I started singing...
"We are strong, Heartache to Heartache we stand. No promises. No demands. Love is a battlefield."
Blank Stare.

Then it hit me...

There may be a whole generation out there who don't know the song "Love is A Battlefield" ...and frankly, that is just a shame. Forget saving the whales, I must save Pat Benetar for the enjoyment of the next generation. It is my cultural responsibility.

So, if you, too, are not aware of this rock legend, please enjoy this video from the 80s archives.