Let your light shine before men
so that they will see your good deeds
and glorify your Father in Heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Webster’s defines legacy as, “a thing handed down by a predecessor.” I spent last evening honoring a woman whose life truly left a lasting legacy—countless lives impacted and influenced for eternity because of her choice to follow Jesus and make Him known.
The woman was Jill Jarvis Attebery.
I can’t remember meeting Jill. You see…I’ve always known her. My earliest memories include her. Snapshots of my childhood flash before me—Vacation Bible School, 1st, 2nd, 3rd…12th grade, slumber parties, school plays, choir trips, youth lock-ins, drill team…with all of these memories… yet, I never imagined I would be asked to speak in memory of my earliest friend.
This weekend I traveled from Houston to El Dorado, Arkansas where Jill’s husband is a Pastor. Jill and I had reunited months before her death because of our shared passion for reaching young women with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I was devastated when the news of her death reached me. Today, it is still surreal (for lack of a better word) and I pray often for her precious family.
Jill’s husband, Scott emailed a few weeks ago expressing his desire to honor her dedication to serving God and to celebrate her legacy of discipleship. He asked if I would speak to the women that she’d touched. I jumped at the opportunity. You see, my life was one that was also impacted by her faithfulness.
The room was filled with women, young and old, who knew and loved Jill—many of whom she’d discipled as college students (challenging them to memorize entire books of the Bible), others she taught in Sunday School, all were impacted as she led Sunday worship, many testified of her encouragement in their shared struggle with infertility, and one was forever grateful for a friend who walked “through the valley of the shadow of death” with her when her own daughter was killed years before. Everyone in the room missed a woman who’d shown them the love of Christ in tangible expressions of His heart.
The Lord gave me four words to describe Jill.
INTENSITY…she loved Jesus with all her heart, mind, soul, and spirit. (Matthew 22:36-40)
INTEGRITY…she was the same person in every situation….her character was unwavering. (Proverbs 4:18-27)
IDENTITY….she knew who she was because she knew Whose she was. Jill lived every moment as a Child of God…a daughter of the King. (1 Peter 2:9-10)
INTENTIONAL…she lived on purpose. Her purpose was to “know Jesus and make Him known.” Her legacy testified to the fact that she “practiced what she preached.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
Jill’s legacy continues to grow. My friend Gee came with me to lead worship for the event. Here is her impression as someone who did not know Jill, but witnessed her legacy and was challenged by it.
G’s perspective:
“Although I didn’t know Jill as many people did, in a way…. I feel like she would have been a “kindred spirit” so to speak. I have been impacted by hearing of her life in Christ and the “living fruit” that will go on and go forward represented by many others that were deeply touched and changed by her love…God’s love. Last night was a powerful moment in my life as I had the “honor” of leading others into worship and through CELEBRATING a life and love that will live on! God is faithful….He weaves our lives together for HIS purpose and glory and I left last night feeling so FULL of love and life in Christ, so challenged to keep LIVING here on earth for God’s glory and so challenged to “take my life with Christ” to a new level by loving others more deeply and intentionally as Jesus did…as Jill, His servant did.
Her example will live on in my heart now and I will always remember this night. I don’t know who exactly said or spoke this…but in my words…”never underestimate the power of ONE.” This statement has been rolling around in my heart and mind for months now….meaning the “power of one life”…fully LIVED here on earth for God’s glory and devoted to him. This kind of RADICAL life and love can literally change lives, towns, cities, etc. This is the kind of life that Jill lived each day, since her childhood. The power of ONE….that will stick with me forever.”
I love that expression, “The power of one.” Jill’s legacy is certainly a powerful one. She proved that one life could leave an impact for eternity… if focused on Christ and lived for His glory. Her legacy has challenged me … not to waste on single day, not to lose perspective about the purpose of this life, and not to get distracted from what really matters.
I know without a shadow of doubt that Jill has heard Jesus say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” I pray we will all be inspired and live in order that we will hear the same.
Thank you sweet Jill for letting your light SHINE brightly… and thank you Jesus for sharing her with us.