I'm eager to hear your testimonies. Please share with our readers how Christ is redeeming your life today. I know there are thousands of amazing redemption stories out there just waiting to be told. So, in the blog comment section please share a quick praise and let the world know why you are thankful to be a Redeemed Girl.
I'll go first:
It has been nearly ten years since Jesus rescued me from the pit of sin and despair that I was living in. I was that girl "looking for love in all the wrong places"… seeking to fill my emptiness with all the junk the world told me would bring me happiness. Instead, I found shame and even more emptiness.
I remember thinking how true Bono's words rang when he sang, "I still haven't found what I am looking for."
Thankfully, what I was really looking for found me. I was just a girl searching for God.
When my heart grasped the beauty of the cross I embraced the forgiveness Jesus offered and breathed the sweet air of grace. The logical next step was surrender—all of me to the one who redeemed me. To "redeem" means to buy something back and to restore it to the original purpose. Jesus bought back my life and restored everything--I AM A NEW CREATION! New desires, New thoughts, New passions, New identity, New life, New purpose, New hope... yes, I am a Redeemed Girl!"
To testify to the transformation that has taken place would take forever. I guess the biggest change I’ve seen over the years is easily in my identity. Before, I saw myself as a usable object (something that could be used and discarded…a.k.a trash) But when Jesus’ love for me filled my heart and I grasped the price he paid to redeem me, I began to comprehend that I am not trash to be used... I am a priceless treasure.
Girls, this isn't diva talk. This is the testimony of a girl who now knows her value in Christ. I learned a long time ago that something is worth what someone is willing to pay for it...and Jesus said that I am worth dying for.
If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation...the old is gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17
Please share your redemption story!
Ma'am, when I think of redeemed, I definitely see my picture! Usually this picture involves a cigarette in one hand and a Red Bull and Vodka in the other.
I thought I had it all together. I could be everything to everyone and found my value in not having to wait in lines at the club!
In reality, I was bitter. All my agendas and grand plans had failed. Constantly trying to be perfect for everyone in every situation always left me disappointed. And the smile I always plastered to my face became a chore and an obligation.
I finally broke into a thousand beautiful-messed-up pieces on the floor. Thankfully, God took each piece and put me back together.
I like to think He created some sort of a mosaic table with those pieces. That they are re-worked for His glory and combined with all the new pieces of my life. And that his grace is the gloss and the glue that hold the table together.
Now, my value is found in Him!
And the smile on my face is no longer forced. It's there because I just can't contain the joy in my life that comes from knowing Him!
Debi, thanks for your honesty and transparent love for Jesus. i know other girls will be blessed by your story.
Marian Jordan! Loved your SATC uncovered book!!loving your work!
My journey to Jesus is on my blog!!
Keep running the race gorgeous girl of God!! we are in this mad crazy adventure together!!!
God called me. He decided he was ready for me to know him and he called me. I was involved with a man who was destroying me from the inside out while I tried to make him a better person. In building him up I broke my back. I'm sure God was not happy with this situation but never the less he answered all my prayers. I see him and feel him moving in my life at times but from where I stand right now, I know that the promise he made to us that nothing could separate us from the love of God is true. He reached down into the pit and pulled me out. He saved me from my sinful self and I never want to be like the dog who returns to its vomit. He told me in his word that Jesus Christ came so that we may have life and have it to the full. I certainly have the gift of life and as a person I feel complete now with God in my heart. I know that when the time is right he will open his store houses of heaven and pour out even more blessings for me and I am eagerly awaiting that day but for now I am satisfied with the gifts of the spirit. The Portion of Jacob is also my portion and his love, mercy and grace are more than sufficient for me. Thank you Lord.
My story is not so much one of looking for love in the wrong places,but of one who feel in love with Jesus at the age of 12. Even before then i had a heart for God, but it wasn't until I was 12 years old that i gave my life to Christ. I recieved his gift of salvation. I would love to sit here and tell you that it was all roses from there but it wasn't. My parents got divorced when I was 10, and I grew up in what I call "we went to church home."
I learned at a young age to make my faith my own. No one was going to make me do it. My walk and relationship with Jesus Christ was my own responsiblity. What was alwasy my subbling block was my desire for a godly marriage one day.
God put a women in my life who demonstarted such a beautiful pitcure of purity, and what it means to wait on God. I wanted that. I wanted to wait on God's best. Specifically in the area of relationships. Once I got in high school i was likin' and crushin' on boys I had NO business liken' and crushin'. To try and make a long story short after almost 4 years of trying to be something i was not meant to be God got my attention. Through His Word, people, and circumstance the Lord has shown me that HE is what satifies. Not a relationship. Jesus has to be enough. He is enough.
I was looking to friends,boys, job, education, anything to define me. But Christ already did that. He has already told me my worth. More than once int he last 5 years since my what i like to call "wake up call," or redecating my life to the Lord, God has reminded me,and taught me of His love and grace. The beauty of and simplicty of his love for me. I don't have to perform or look a certain way. I loved because i belong to Him.
I am still on a jounrney, as we all are. But i am pround to say i am redeemed girl. In a season of healing these days.
What was so cool is yesterday I was at the beach with my family and i overheard my 7 year old cousin say something that i can't get out of my head, and i felt like God was saying it to me through this little 7 year old. She said "I'm doing this because I love you." WOW. THen all i thought was James chapter 1.
God is amamzing, and my life has been full of pumps and bruises, but i have NO EARTHLY idea how I would have survived without Jesus Christ.
My desire at end of the say is to live to for the glory of God. That is my heartbeat!
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