Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Part 1: Overcoming A.D.D.

Here's a confession...I'm a tinsy, winsy bit A.D.D.  (My friends and family are rolling their eyes right now at the understatement of all understatements!)  Over the years, I've made peace with my scatterbrained self.  I've grown to see both the positives and negatives...but I d0 fight, on a daily basis, how easily I am distracted. 

This fight against distraction is even more intense during Christmas. 

Although retail stores began celebrating in September, for the rest of us, December marks the Christmas season.  But, are we really celebrating? 
Over the years I've noticed seems like the whole world is A.D.D when it comes to Christmas. 
We are so busy shopping, spending, decorating, eating, partying, and traveling that we fail to focus on the very thing we are celebrating: The gift of grace given to us through God's Son, Jesus Christ.

With that in mind, and because I need help focusing, I will dedicate my posts this month to helping me and you focus. Focus on Jesus. Focus on the real reason for celebration. Focus on the Gift of all gifts.

My prayer today, and for this entire season, is that I won't miss the Gift. I pray for a heart that focuses on Jesus. I pray for a spirit that rejoices in Him. I pray I will celebrate the Christ of Christmas. 

Here is an amazing video that will help you and I focus on the real reason to celebrate this Christmas.  

1 comment:

Tania said...

Thanks Marian. That was a great reminder!